Friday, August 25, 2006

Feelin' Peachy

Last Thursday, Mary, Ronda, Rusty, Alex and I went out to Sauvie Island and picked peaches. Over 400 pounds of sweet, juicy Veterans peaches. What did we do with that many peaches, you ask? Well, we ate some (delicious made into a pie, or just sliced with vanilla ice cream!), we gave some away, and we canned the rest. You see, every year, Mary cans this special variety of peach. And, since Mary's home-canned peaches are among Rusty's favorite foods, I asked her to teach me how to make them.

Even after eating some of the peaches and giving some away, there were still a lot of peaches left to can! So, Mary and I called in the troops. Pictured below are Alex and me with my friend Chalon, also a dedicated home canner, and in the background, Mary and her long-time friend Judy.

The peaches had to be peeled, then sliced or halved, then packed into jars. After that, we poured syrup over them, capped the jars, and put them into the canner for a 25-minute hot water bath. With two canners going at once, the kitchen heated up quick! The old adage that many hands make light work certainly held true in this case, though, and we enjoyed some sweet fellowship while we peached!

At final count, we had no less than 49 quart jars of peaches! That should keep Rusty happy for awhile, dontcha think? We also made several batches of peach jam and peach syrup (can't wait to try it on pancakes!). Home canning really is a lost art in these days of packaged and processed everything. I'm glad I learned how to do it, and I certainly feel like a domestic diva after this week! In all honesty, though, I don't care if I don't see another peach for a long, long time!


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    It is so wonderful to see an update... Alex is such a cutie and I am sure he is loving all the attention! We miss you guys and hope you are all enjoying and cherishing the time you get to spend with family!


  2. Ditto with Kari's comment. It was great to see an update--I can't even imagine canning 49 quarts plus jam and syrup. (I bet you can wait to see another peach.)

  3. Oh man! My mouth is watering. There's nothing in the world like home-canned peaches. A lady who babysat Ty and me when we were grade school aged used to keep a bunch of canned peaches and pears in her pantry. Ty and I took it as a personal challenge to amaze her with how many jars we could devour every time we went to her house. =)

    I think it's so great that you know how to can peaches now--maybe you can teach me someday!

  4. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for sharing this web page with us. I wish I could have been there to help with the peaches they looked delicious.

    From the pictures, Mary looks great.

    Wish we could have spend more time with the family up there. But no matter how much time there is, it is never enought. But looking back it seems like such a short visit. Dennis was trying to visit everyone while we were on the west coast, but he really enjoy the special time that you guys gave us.

    We really enjoy being with all of you guys. Give Mary and Alex a hug from us (using both ARMS).

    love you

  5. The peaches look great! So do you guys. Hope all continues to go smoothly for your family as you re-adjust to life in the US.
    Love Nicole
