Wednesday, October 03, 2007

"The Mom Song"

Just had to share this little video that is all the rage on YouTube right now. Turn up your speakers and get ready to laugh -- you will be in stitches by the end!


  1. Very clever! I think I have heard every single one of those things she said!!! (said to me!) No doubt - I'll probably say my fair share of them to kids one day! -- Nicole

  2. That video is great! Very clever and so true!

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM

    LOL......woot wtg lady! Man does she have that one down. I had flashbacks of things i've said today, and things that were said to me back then. Nicely done, and 'here'here to all mothers!!

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Hey guys! I didn't know that you were back. This video is sooo funny! It is right on the money. Hope to talk to ya soon!
    Amanda Meredith

  5. Abolute hilarity!
    I'll catch up reading your blog soon, Laura. Thanks for the comment on mine.
