Friday, April 10, 2009

Family of Four

Here's the first picture we have of our family of four. My dad took this picture of us in the hospital on the day Stephen was born.

Things continue to go well. My recovery has been quicker this time than the last time (maybe that has to do with the fact that I had a quicker and easier labor and delivery). In fact, the thing that is bothering me most right now is my back. Pregnancy really messes with your posture! Stephen is also doing well and (so far) appears to be a pretty laid back baby. We took him to the doctor today to have him evaluated for jaundice. His levels are pretty high, so the doctor said if they go any higher, he will have to go under the lights. We will go back on Monday to have him checked out again.


  1. Laura - he is such a beautiful baby. I love your first family photo as a family of four. I will pray that when you go back to check on the jaundice it will have improved. nicole

  2. I'm so glad you had a much easier time this time! Peyton almost had to go under the lights for jaundice, but managed not to. Hope everyone is well!

  3. Yeah!! Everyone is healthy, happy & lookin' good ;)

  4. Congratulations, you four! Wow! Isn't the Lord good with the way that He provides for His children! Hip Hip Hooray!

  5. He is absolutely adorable! I'm so happy for you all!

    Wow, I get sick and don't go online for a while, and I miss all this. Talk about a quick labor! I guess God wanted to make up for the first ordeal!

    Steve and I both heartily approve of his name, by the way. =)

  6. Woohoo. Congratulations! I'm glad you are doing well.
