Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Month by Month: 2

Almost a year behind and still determined to catch up... and determined to do it by the end of April. Can I do it? Only time will tell! Still, if I'm successful, you'll be seeing lots of blog posts this month.

Here is Elizabeth at exactly 2 months old, showing off her recently obtained Ecuadorian cedula (ID card). A few days after this photo was taken, we obtained her Ecuadorian passport, and after picking up her U.S. passport from the embassy, she was officially a dual citizen!

I'm thrilled, can't you tell?
March was a busy month for us at the camp with several different spring break mission groups from the U.S. coming and going, so Elizabeth spent a lot of time sleeping in her stroller, or on the couch in the camp library, while I was working in the kitchen. She was also passed around a lot and held and snuggled by so many loving people. Thankfully, she was such a sweet and easy infant, and she continued to sleep well at night, so that I felt well-rested, even after putting in long days in the camp kitchen.

We did take Elizabeth in for the "eco" on her hips at the end of March (one year ago today, actually), and it revealed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her. We were very thankful to receive this news.

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